pharaonic civilization

pharaonic civilization 

this article from the egyptian pharaonic civilization

ancient egypt is an ancient civilization in the north east of africa the ancient egyptians centered
civilization on the banks of the nile river in what is now know as the arab republic of egypt .
egyptian civilization began around the years 3150 BC when king menes
united upper and lower egypt .
and then evolved over the three subsequent millennial historically included a series of politically
unstable kingdoms punctuated by periods of relative stability are called medium periods

ancient egypt reached the peak of its civilization in the era of the modern state and then entered the
country in a period of slow decline egypt was attacked in the period by many foreign powers and officially ended the rule of the pharaohs while Romanian empire invaded egypt and made it one of its provinces
Derived success of ancient egyptian civilization in the ability to adapt to the nile river valley
circumstances where all the elements of agriculture available from fertile soil
water and climate and helped flood forecasting and control of their damge in the production and ample crops

contributed to the social and cultural development
the authorities and with the availability of the necessary exploitation of minerals in the valley and desert areas surrounding material and has developed an independent writing system and organized collective construction and agricultural projects as well as trade with the surrounding areas
and strengthen the military to defend against enemies abroad and confirm the hegemony of pharaonic on the country

it has been organizing there activities and are stimulated by a group of bureaucrats religious leaders and administrators under the control of the pharaoh who ensured the cooperation and unity of the egyptians in the context of an elaborate system of religious beliefs

achievements included the ancient egyptians quarrying surveying and construction techniques that
facilitated the building massive pyramids temples and obelisks in addition to a practical and effective
system of mathematics in medicine and irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques and the first known ships
egyptian faience and glass painting technology

and new forms of literature and the first marovhtrki ancient egypt peace treaty lasting legacy and copied and imitated egyptian civilization art and architecture on large scale in the world and quoted its effects to distant parts of the  world and it inspired the ruins and remains of passengers and the books imagination for centuries
and resulted in discoveries in the early to talk about the effects of fossils egyptian age to the scientific research of the egyptian civilization manifested itself in the science called Egyptology and greater appreciation of their cultural heritage in egypt and the world .