( Pharaonic temples )

Pharaonic temples
Egyptian temples due back days of ancient Egypt (before the Arab conquest), especially in the Pharaonic era, characterized by temples in art remarkable dazzle all tourists coming to Egypt, and is characterized Egyptian temples as well as recorded by most of the dates have the dates of ancient Egypt recorded on tombs and temples, and was not All Egyptian temples are for the purpose of worship, the ancient Egyptian temples were divided into three main sections are:Initially, funerary temples built around the pyramids of the Old Kingdom and Central, but in the New Kingdom, pharaohs began building their tombs in the Valley of the Kings, so they built their temples funeral separately. The Egyptians called these new temples "palaces millions of years". [1] This is my temple Ramesseum and Hatshepsut's funerary temple months..
 Temple of Abu Simbel of the most important funerary temples.

Funerary temples were built for the purpose other than worship and this was kind of temples, particularly priests and the people of Pharaoh, and this was kind of temples built to perform the ritual of the funeral on the pharaoh and held by the religious rites and religious songs and prayers, and were written on this kind of temples dates of the family of Pharaoh and his origin, its origin was not interested in his accomplishments, and the most important funerary temples:

1 - Temple of Hatshepsut Bahari. 
2 - Temple Ramesseum built by Ramses II. 
3 - Temple of Mentuhotep II, who next to the Temple of Hatshepsut Bahari.
Funerary temples 
Temples, giza pyramids 

Temples Step Pyramid of King Djoser in Saqqara
temple of Abu Simbel of the most important funerary temples
Temple of Hatshepsut Bahari mortuary.

Temple of Mentuhotep II, who next to the Temple of Hatshepsut Bahari. Mortuary.
Temple ritual
Adopt synagogues on the orders of the king to dedicate this temple dedicated to the god and his worship is different in the planning of solar temples (dedicated to the worship of the god Ra or furnace or other solar deities for temples dedicated to other deities
for commensurate with the creed or solar Alausaria.Held ceremonial rituals in the temple of the god daily, which is carried out by the priest on behalf of the King. He was involved a large number of people in building the temples of the gods and was usually honors the supervising engineer on the construction of this type of temples, and were written on this type of temples dates of the King since he took the throne until his death and was his achievements and his marriage ... etc., and of the most important temples of the gods
  • The temples of Karnak, which has more than faithful to the king by adding part of the Middle Kingdom until the Ptolemaic era


Book studies preparatory to the first row of the Ministry of Education of Egypt.